Monday, March 10, 2008

Dr. Fixit

A troubled project needs help. Your boss expects that you can make a positive impact and asks you to be the "Bridge over troubled waters". You go back to your desk and say wtf, I'm screwed. Calm down, have a decaf and take a leaf out of the a Doctors book.
Forget the project management jargon for a minute and wear your doctors hat! Some of your guiding principles revolve around how Mr. Doctor operates

Study the project and gather all the information you require to identify all the problems. Get as much detail as possible for symptoms, causes and effects . Once done, you have a fair idea of the project and your diagnosis is accurate and prioritized!

Doctors also rely on books and their colleagues to discuss peculiar cases and confirm the diagnosis. Go ahead and do this step in your projects too. Trust me, You'll be glad you did.

Doctors look at best medicines, affordability, any substitutes , side effects and supplements. You need to do the same. Look at the best action items and tailor them to the project. Identify any other areas that might break due to the action items that you are going to take and plan pro actively!

Monitor & Adapt
A follow-up visit is where progress can be checked and an alternate course of action can be decided (if required). Any small changes in medication (Action Items) can be done too.

The idea is have basic framework for fixing troubled projects and work around it. It will lead you to be an efficient Dr. Fixit!


Rohit Wason said...

Good one! Interesting how you draw analogies between project management and medicine - you're right on in listing the steps needed to be taken for both professions. One point that's probably inherent in your post is the importance of documentation in both situations

shauryas said...

Hey Rohit!
Nice to hear from you. Lets touch base soon.
